
Yuti Magazine: An Archive

Today, I found a bunch of old Yuti  magazines at the bottom of a box. I’m proud of the work we did on them – generating trilingual educational content for children was fun and challenging. We worked with some incredible artists, photographers and writers, and you’ll see that the results were unlike any other magazine being produced in Sri Lanka at the time. I’d say Yuti still stands head and shoulders above the rest.

We stopped our run when we ran out of funding, but I like to think we’re on a long hiatus and that one day the magazine will be up and running again.

Since the site was long abandoned, I wanted to create a small archive of images, just to remember Yuti by. I hope you’ll enjoy them and that you may even spot Yuti and Ayu!

Yuti was published by Sri Lanka Solidarity (SLS) up to 2010 when it was discontinued. You can read more about it here.